The User Workshop is presented in a new format17th Cortina User Workshop in Amsterdam under the leadership of Koenig & Bauer

  • Two days of intensive exchange between the international community
  • New format of the user workshop with round table discussions

The Cortina User Workshop took place again in September under the direction of Koenig & Bauer. At the annual meetings of industry leaders on the topic of waterless printing, the experts discussed the challenges and successes intensively. Under the leadership of Georg Zitterbart, product specialist at Cortina Koenig & Bauer, the event was prepared with all users and partners from the supplier industry. Support for planning and implementation came from Rodi Media in Diemen, under the responsibility of managing director Dick Ranzijn.

Teilnehmer Cortina User Workshop

Intensive exchange over two days

On both days, the 90 participants from different nations once again had the opportunity to find out more and exchange information.

The lectures from the supplier industry, which this year contained more than just positive news, were very informative for everyone. The paper manufacturers presented some very good news, such as Palm, with new investments and other available paper qualities.

Other paper manufacturers openly brought up the topic of the closure of individual locations and thereby also helped to reassure Cortina users, as they would clearly continue to produce the required papers at the other locations.

The paint manufacturer Huber presented the new direction of the Huber Group. It was also openly explained to users that the production of various color systems would be relocated to India or Poland. Color tests with various Cortina users were explained and the successful test series for mineral oil-free colors were also presented.

The plate manufacturer Toray presented its chemical-free plate, which is already being used successfully in production by some users. They are also working on developing a new plate that will help save energy in the printing process.

Apex presented the successful tests of an anilox roller that was developed in collaboration with Koenig & Bauer and Südkurier in Konstanz to save energy. A new coating for the anilox roller will also be tested in the future.

Q.I. Press Controls, together with Nordsee Druck Bremerhaven, explained the advantages of density control from the user's perspective, as Nordsee Druck will install this control at the end of the year.

New format with round table discussions

On the second day, the new format of the user workshop followed with round table discussions. Here the topics of paper, ink, anilox rollers, technical innovations, retrofits and future new applications were discussed and worked through with the Cortina at the round table discussions.

For example, as a result of these new round table discussions there will be a first test with LED UV ink in collaboration with Wifag KMI, Eltosch, Toray and Koenig & Bauer Cortina at Freiburger Druck at the beginning of 2024. The decision was also made to serve the packaging market with the Cortina. For example, applications with roll on roll or roll on sheet should be used here.

The entire supplier industry has pledged its support for these newly envisioned projects in collaboration with Koenig & Bauer and the Cortina users.

The Cortina User Workshop in the new format was described as very successful by everyone involved. So it was decided again to organize another workshop in 2024. This will take place at Koenig & Bauer in Würzburg.


Oliver Baar
Marketing & Communications

Friedrich-Koenig-Straße 4
97080 Würzburg

T: +49 931 909-6396

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