References & ShowcasesDigital book printing

Cost-effective inkjet solutions for book printing


The book printer’s dilemma:

  • A declining number of copies on the one hand
  • An increasing number of new publications on the other
  • Increasing demands for integrated delivery processes

This makes an optimization of production processes unavoidable.


Rise to the challenges of the market with a RotaJET L Commercial!

Whether you are printing monochrome fiction and manuals or educational books in 4C on coated material – you can benefit from the advantages of the RotaJET L Series.

  • High level of automation and efficiency with flying job changes
  • Variable frame lengths and full format flexibility
  • Compatibility with market-leading online finishing systems

Rise to the challenges of the market with the RotaJET L Commercial!

  • Reduce your process costs and capital commitment
  • Increase your delivery capability
  • Intensify customer connectivity.


With the RotaJET L you can produce new book releases in smaller quantities highly efficiently and implement your on-demand delivery concepts profitably. Be successful with small to middle sized orders or with large digital publications. Boost your back-list production with the RotaJET L Commercial and serve the demand for special interest niche products.

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