Koenig & Bauer Vision & Protection

The Next Level of Authentication

With our next-level authentication solutions, Koenig & Bauer Vision & Protection helps you to develop a new understanding of the dimensions of security.

Authentication Solutions

We Expand Your View of Security

  • Individual strategies for your application
  • Experience in high-security solutions for banknotes
  • High-quality protection for your brand
  • Full customisability to your requirements

Improve the customer experience of your packaging with us, protect your products or link physical objects with the digital world. Our authentication solutions go beyond an optical quality check and together we will develop your concept to maximise the security of your products.

Our Technologies

OvjeraVision & Protection

Identifies an individual product based on the finest surface differences.

SteganoVision & Protection

Decodes information hidden in the print screen.

DaktyloVision & Protection

Recognises where a product was manufactured based on production characteristics.

Protecting what Matters

Koenig & Bauer Vision & Protection offers innovative solutions that go far beyond conventional security features.

Online Magazine – WORLD

Use Cases

Document Authenticity Verification

Verifying identification documents is essential. Protect not only identification documents, but also awards, certificates and all other personalised documents.

End-User Verification

Allow your customers to verify the authenticity of your goods themselves. Especially in the reseller context, it is a challenge for end-users to detect counterfeits.

Prevent Fraud & Improper Performance

Detect fraudulent counterfeiting of your products in the shortest possible time. Returns offer opportunities for counterfeiting. Expose them immediately by verifying your products.

Protect Supply Chains

Identify and actively combat fraudulent behavior within your supply chains. By accurately tracking your goods, vulnerabilities can be identified and initial action taken.

Secure Trading

Ensure safe trade with your products. The authenticity and security of a product can be decisive for the well-being of your customers. Offer a verification option for you and your company.


Are you interested in our Authentication Solutions?

Julian Schubert

VP Data, Vision and Authentication Solutions

+49 931 909 6458

Koenig & Bauer Vision & Protection
Friedrich-Koenig-Straße 4
97080 Würzburg