Training & Consulting from Koenig & Bauer

Invest in the education and training of your staff

Our experience for your company: Koenig & Bauer has gathered decades of expertise in the installation and servicing of printing presses. The thousands of presses in operation around the world speak for themselves. Benefit directly from our wealth of know-how with our Training & Consulting offerings.

Training – The Key to Your Success

Besides innovative press technology, qualified personnel are a basic pre-requisite for increased productivity and quality in print.

For this reason, Koenig & Bauer offers you a broad spectrum of training offers, all of which can be tailored to match your individual requirements:

  • Press operation and printing technology
  • Mechanical maintenance and repairs
  • Electrical maintenance and repairs
  • Special and advanced training, follow-up courses

Experienced trainers and instructors
Our training is conducted by a team of competent instructors with many years of practical experience in the fields of mechanical and electrical service, electronics and print technologies. They will be pleased to share their boundless theoretical and practical knowledge with you.

The training courses can be held either at Koenig & Bauer in spacious, well-equipped training rooms, or directly at your own production location.

  • Broad spectrum of training offers
  • Content tailored to your needs – modules can be combined
  • Training can also be organised at your own production location

Consulting & Performance Management

If there is still latent potential for optimisation and improvement in your production processes, then we can help you to uncover it.

We offer a comprehensive range of services from analysis of the printing process to an analysis of print quality and on to a comprehensive review of the processes in your company, from incoming goods to the point of delivery. The range of consulting services offered is wide.

Experienced Koenig & Bauer service engineers examine the technical condition of your press, speak with management representatives and shop-floor employees, and perform in-process analyses during production. The result is an objective assessment of your press, processes and production environment, including advice on possible measures to improve performance.

Our evaluations are based on the Six Sigma approach to process improvement and follow the so-called “DMAIC” methodology, which describes the steps leading to quality improvement in production processes.

On this basis, the Koenig & Bauer process optimisation team identifies the potential for improvement, assesses the prospects of success, and suggests measures which could be taken.

  • Identify and assess potential for improvement
  • Report with comprehensive analysis
  • Recommendations for optimisation and support during implementation
  • Modules can be combined as needed

Sheetfed Training Campus in Radebeul

Our Training Campus in Radebeul offers various different trainings and courses for Sheetfed Offset Printing Presses, as well as for the MetalStar Metal Printing Press and the NotaProtector Banknote Printing Press.

Find out more


For Sheetfed Printing Presses

Service Sheetfed

Koenig & Bauer Sheetfed
Friedrich-List-Str. 47
01445 Radebeul

For Webfed & CI Flexo Printing Presses

Service Digital & Webfed

Koenig & Bauer Digital & Webfed
Friedrich-Koenig-Str. 4
97080 Würzburg